Ep. 92: The One With Dina's Arranged Marriage

Caught yourself wondering about the rising ebook prices lately? Well, you're not alone! Get ready for an amusing exploration of the ebook industry, its soaring prices, and how it affects both keen readers and diligent authors. Stick around for a captivating spoken poem via voicemail by Stevie Wildcard from the 'We Have Issues' podcast, and let's revel in the realm of words and stories together.

Buckle up as we plunge into the enigmatic world of conspiracy theories. From the high-profile personality hiding their baby to the existence of extraterrestrial life, we've got it all covered! Also on the menu is an engaging chat about our much-anticipated book launch party for 'Thunderstruck', and some exclusive nuggets about our show. Stay tuned for a 'Bookish Edition' of the popular game 'Never Have I Ever' and a deep-dive discussion on the merits of bundling paperback and ebooks.

As we approach the end of this exciting journey, we'll poke around some inspiring ideas to uplift the ebook industry and the intriguing genre of erotic literature. So, come along and revel in a whirlwind of captivating conversations, enlightening insights, and a good dose of laughter!

You can pre-order Daniel's book THUNDERSTRUCK now!: https://www.lostboyspress.com/shop-bookstore/p/thunderstruck

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library: https://imaginationlibrary.com/

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Music Credit:
Swing Rabbit ! Swing ! by Amarià
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library


Ep. 93: The One With Uncle Bobbo


Ep. 91: The One With The Sweaty Ball #@!&% (feat. Alexander James)