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Ep. 5: The One With Jess The Mess
In this episode of Don’t Make It Weird, writer Jess the Mess joins the crew for a round of "True Confessions," fills us in on the secrets to being a professional mess, and recalls the time she had a hysterical run-in with a large tub of yogurt.
Ep. 4: The One For The Belgians
In this episode of Don’t Make It Weird, Daniel and Dina answer some silly hypotheticals, have a discussion about formula writing, and we hear the tale of the fake high school boyfriend in this week's installment of Storytime with Dina.
Ep. 3: The One With Peter-Shaun Tyrell
In this episode of Don’t Make It Weird! Fantasy author Peter-Shaun Tyrell joins the crew for some fun and games involving drinking, bad pickup lines, an intense reading of bad sex scene from a trashy romance novel, and an intimate author interview with our first ever guest.
Ep. 2: The One With Horseplay In The Shower
In this episode of Don’t Make It Weird! Daniel tells us about the time he dated a girl that thought she was a horse. All you writers and book lovers, character descriptions, the good and the bad, are discussed. The scandal of Dina’s butter-hatred is revealed, and Dina tells us about her near-death experience with a gator, kayak, and a “hottie” from high school. Last but not least, your favorite: top-rated awkward sex scenes from literature.
Ep. 1: The One Where Daniel Realizes Massages Are Creepy And Dina Becomes A Spy
In this episode of Don't Make It Weird! Daniel and Dina discuss that time the color yellow was forever ruined, writing tropes for disguises, the time Dina became a real-life spy, and your favorite: top-rated awkward sex scenes from literature. AUDIO ONLY